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Spice Garden of India presents: The Nendran Plantain Chips

Spice Garden of India presents: The Nendran plantain chips

Banana chips are slices of banana that are commonly fried in oil or dried (with a sweet taste, salty or spicy). It originated from God’s own country - Kerala, India. The chips play a critical role as upperi in the traditional Kerala meal known as sadya that are served during celebrations and festivals. 

Years before, every house in Kerala had its own Musa farm (also called “cooking bananas”) that is the herbaceous plant that grows bananas. The bananas were not for sale because it was for the owners’ use.

Health assistance:

These plantain chips are the embodiment of various nutrients. Even a one-third cup of the chips will give you a gram of protein and fiber. It also comprises potassium, vitamin A, Vitamin B6, iron, phosphorus, copper, and magnesium that are good for your eyes and helps prevent high blood pressure. But the chips have only a small amount of protein. So, the energy from the chips might not be long-lasting.

Chip’s formula:

Traditionally, coconut oil is used to deep fry the banana slices that will result in a pleasant aroma. Now, let’s see the recipe for a particular type of banana chips.

Spicy banana chips:


  • Four bananas (sliced into thin rounds)
  • 2 cups of coconut oil
  • 3 cups of water
  • 1 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1 tbsp chili powder
  • Salt


  • Pour the banana slices into the water, add salt and turmeric. Leave it for 5 minutes.
  • Drain the water completely.
  • Heat the pan with oil. When the oil gets hot, add the slices.
  • Deep fry the slices until it gets golden.
  • Then, dry it with a napkin.
  • Sprinkle some salt and chili powder in it.

In a large amount, you can store the chips for 10-15 years in a sealed container (in a cool and dry state). Once opened, they can last 6-12 months. 

The mass production of the banana chips will occur in Kerala’s famous festival – Onam. Even now, it attracts tourists and also the people of Kerala because of its healthy benefits and peculiar texture.

 Buy Banana Chips from Kerala made in pure coconut oil now from Sambar Stories - Buy Banana Chips Online 

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